
4 Milestones in Digital Advertising

Over the last 30 years digital advertising has evolved through many stages bringing new tools for advertisers reach their desired audience.

Since digital advertising creation in 1994 it has quickly grown to become the primary ad spend for marketers in the years since (Statista). Over time the tools available to marketers have grown in power and complexity allowing advertisers to more affordably reach their intended audience.

First Banner Ad

First Banner Ad by HotWired (Wired)

In 1994 HotWired in conjunction with AT&T created with first integrated campaign to feature a new type of advertising, the banner ad (The Atlantic). This new development in advertising allowed advertisers to reach consumers in the relatively new but quickly growing world wide web pioneering the world of digital advertising (Wired).

Online Ad Targeting

WebConnect (WebConnect)

Whilst very basic in its initial form, targeted advertising has allowed advertisers to spend their ad dollars on more relevant consumer segments that more closely align with their intended target audience. This began with the ad agency WebConnect in 1995 who enabled their clients ads to be shown on relevant websites that where likely to have readers well suited to the clients ideal audience (HubSpot).

Google AdWords

Google AdWords (The SEM Post)

In the year 2000 Google created a new advertising service to clients in the form of Google AdWords. This new service was one of the first types of paid search platforms in the world and pioneered methods for business to bid on keywords within Google search results, further expanding both their audience reach and specificity of targeting (Google Press).

Social Media Advertising

Facebook Ads Manager (Internet Marketing Services)

Social Media advertising, if used correctly, can act as one of the most personal and persuasive forms of advertising available to markers today . Launched in 2007, Facebook Ads is the largest platforms for social media advertising with an audience of 2.5 million monthly users (PR Newswire Association). Facebook ads have enabled highly detailed targeting of audiences whilst enabling engagement between bushiness and their audiences.

What do you think comes next in digital advertising? Do you see more tools for marketers that gives them more detailed targeting?

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One reply on “4 Milestones in Digital Advertising”

Great overview of the evolution in digital marketing. I’m sure that in future businesses will be able to better target the audience they are looking for.
Hopefully this means less spam and unrelated ads, more related products that I actually need would be a welcome change.


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